When you find out that you have cataracts, you may find yourself feeling relieved. After all, you finally know what is wrong with your vision, and you have a plan for treatment: cataract surgery. However, you may wonder what steps you will need to follow to take the best possible care of your eyes once your cataract surgery is over. Post-operative care for your eyes is just as important as pre-operative care, and can have a lasting effect upon your eyesight going forward.
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The Truth About 2 Celebrity Smile Tricks
Celebrities need a dazzling smile to flash at all of those public appearances. It's not surprising that celebrities have teeth whitening tricks along with their other health and beauty tips. Who would know more about how to get a bright, healthy smile than a celebrity? Well, maybe a dentist. Take a look at two celebrities with unusual smile brightening tips, and find out what the experts have to say about their recommendations.
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