3 Tips For Handling Work Stress

Stress is something that can impact every aspect of a person's life. When someone has too much stress in their life, their health, general well-being, and relationships tend to suffer. Failure to deal with and reduce stress can also lead to major impacts down the road. While money problems are the main source of stress for most Americans, work comes in a close second place. This is no surprise since money problems and work, or not enough work, often go hand in hand. While work can be very stressful, there are a few different ways that people can handle this stress.

Get A Massage

It may seem like the oldest trick in the book, but getting a massage can greatly reduce stress. Multiple studies have shown that massage is an effective treatment for stress. A massage performed by a professional massage therapist can relax tense muscles, lower cortisol levels, and help with digestion. The good news for employees who are stressed is that there are professional massage therapists all around, not just in fancy spas and hotels. Clinics, gyms, and spas often offer massages and clients can expect to pay between $50 to $90 for a 45 minute to 60 minute massage. Hotels usually charge more, with 45 minute to 60 minute massages running between $85 and $125. Speak to a local massage therapist for more about this topic.


The average cost of a gym membership is between $40 and $50 per month; however, it doesn't take a gym membership to reap the benefits of exercise. Plenty of activities, such as walking and bike riding, can help reduce stress. The American Heart Association recommends getting 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity once a week and to incorporate two muscle strengthening activities each week. These guidelines are a great place to start for people who are stressed out. Employees who are stressed can also look into whether or not their workplace offers discounts on gym memberships. 

Get A Pet

Another way to reduce stress is by getting a pet. Having a pet to come home to after a long work day is something that is extremely helpful to many people. Dogs in particular are a great choice. Studies have shown that getting a dog can lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones. Dogs also need to be walked, which can help encourage daily exercise. Getting a pet can be a great way to reduce stress.

Being stressed at and away from work is a big issue for many Americans. Three ways to cope with this stress is by getting a pet, going to a professional massage therapist, and making sure to enough exercise.

