Lab Confidential: Keeping Your Lab Tests & Results in Order & Out of Prying Eyes

Running a lab in a hospital is a major endeavor because the board of directs expects everyone to perform a certain amount of hospital research in order to maintain the hospital's standard of excellence. A hospital lab is a very busy place indeed!

So, when it comes to keeping all of your lab tests and results in order and keeping results out of sight and confidential, how do you manage it? Hopefully, you are not still operating with outdated laboratory information management systems. Check your lab against the following information to see if it stands up to quality standards. 

Medical Laptops Equipped with Only Necessary Programming

There is no unnecessary internet connections or social media apps on these laptops. They are strictly hospital-use machines. You can sign in, log in to hospital programs and patient files, and open data pages and files. The intra-hospital communications system is part of the programming on these laptops, but you cannot communicate with anyone outside of the hospital. All of these setups deter hackers from entering the system and causing a lot of upset to proprietary information and hospital/patient confidentiality. If your hospital does not have closed system web servers and closed system web hosting, confidentiality and hacking are imminent. 

Lab Software

A lot of modern lab equipment now delivers slide pictures and information to lab software on laptops via WiFi. This lab software will preserve images pertinent not only to every test ordered by a doctor or nurse, but also the data gathered from the research that is currently conducted in the lab. Everything is cross-categorized, neatly filed, and accessible only through a set of strict security measures. If you are locking your screens every time you leave the lab, no one else can get into the laptop(s) you are using and/or access the information and data you have carefully stored within the lab software on the cases and research on which you are working. 

Webcams Are Deactivated and/or Disallowed

Hackers can get through webcams and steal anything they see onscreen. Webcams on your lab laptops should be deactivated, and the cameras should be covered with a bit of opaque tape. Separate orbital webcams should be disallowed, with the exception of special collaboration projects. You should not even use them on your breaks in private office spaces within the lab. 

Learn more about your options by contacting local laboratory information managment system servies. 
