Struggling With Varicose Veins? Home Treatments You Can Try Today

Varicose veins are a condition that is marked by veins that are enlarged and bluish or purple in color. These swollen veins are typically visible through the skin. Most people who suffer from varicose veins experience them in the legs, because your leg veins work extensively against the force of gravity. The more you stand, the more pressure you place on those veins. If you're struggling with varicose veins, there are several options available to help you deal with them. [Read More]

Where Does Low Self-Esteem Come From?

If you have low self-esteem, it means you have a negative opinion of yourself, often leading to harsh judgments of yourself and negative evaluations of your abilities. It can affect nearly every facet of your life, from your career, to making friends and having relationships. By understanding what leads to losing self-esteem, you can build self esteem in your own children. Here are some of the common causes of low self-esteem that you should be aware of. [Read More]

Migraine Or Just A Bad Headache - Know The Difference To Treat It Right

That persistent headache that sometimes becomes so intense that your vision gets blurry may be signs of a migraine. If so, that bottle of aspirin won't do you much good. Stop fighting the pain and learn the signs of a migraine so you're treating that headache effectively. How Common are Migraine Headaches? The Migraine Research Foundation states that nearly 10 percent of the population experiences migraines, with women having them three times more often than men. [Read More]

5 Tips For Recovering From Whiplash

Whiplash is the term used for an injury to the neck that occurs when the head is unexpectedly snapped forward and then backward. Many cases of whiplash are the result of being in a car accident, but it can also be caused due to sports injuries or other traumas to the head and neck. Luckily, for most people whiplash is not a serious injury and the neck pain will subside overtime. [Read More]