3 Reasons To Talk To Your Doctor About Dermatology Compounds To Treat Some Skin Conditions

From acne to psoriasis and every skin condition in between, you can almost guarantee that a trip to the dermatologist will yield you a prescription for a medication known to help people suffering with the symptoms you have. While for most people a simple prescription medication will be a lot of help, there are some circumstances when treatment for a skin condition is a little more complex. In these situations, compound dermatology medications can be mixed by the pharmacist to ensure you get the most effective form of treatment to ease your symptoms. Take a look at three of the most common reasons you may need to talk to your dermatologist about compounded medications. 

You suffer from a diagnosed hormonal imbalance. 

The hormones that course through your body are responsible for all kinds of things, from things as serious as your energy levels to something as small as how your skin reacts to certain irritants. If you struggle with a hormonal imbalance, you may need to bring this up to your dermatologist when they give you a diagnosis. Because hormonal imbalances can affect your skin, it can also affect how certain medications work for certain skin conditions. In these situations, the doctor can instruct the pharmacy to take a different approach by using different medications and mixtures to treat your problems. 

You have problems with hyperpigmentation and uneven or blotchy skin. 

Hyperpigmentation is a type of skin condition that can cause your skin to look blotchy and uneven in tone, but it can also change how certain areas of your skin react to certain dermatological medications. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, the usual medications may not always offer you even results. Therefore, a dermatologist will often recommend a compounded medication that can treat multiple levels of skin pigmentation at once with just one application. 

You have problems with acne or breakouts that do not seem to react to previous prescriptions. 

Acne can have many different root causes, which is a fact that many acne sufferers do not know. Acne can be relative to hormonal changes, your diet, or even your age and stress levels. But because acne can have a range of causes, not every treatment method will work for every individual. If you have been struggling with acne for a long time and the usual medications don't seem to be helping, a compound dermatology medication could offer you better results. 

Click here for info about treating your skin conditions with dermatology compounds.
