3 Tips For Handling Work Stress

Stress is something that can impact every aspect of a person's life. When someone has too much stress in their life, their health, general well-being, and relationships tend to suffer. Failure to deal with and reduce stress can also lead to major impacts down the road. While money problems are the main source of stress for most Americans, work comes in a close second place. This is no surprise since money problems and work, or not enough work, often go hand in hand. [Read More]

Jump Up, Jump Down: 3 Ways Jumping Rope Can Improve Your Health

If you've been wanting to get to a better, fitter and healthier version of yourself, don't assume that you have to spend countless hours and hundreds of dollars on fad diets to get there. This simply is not true. Instead, all you need is a jump rope. A jump rope is the one thing that you need to lose weight, improve your bone health, and increase cognitive function. Read on to learn more about what jumping rope can do for you and your health: [Read More]

Wines And Spirits: Determining Alcohol Intolerance Or Allergy

For nearly every substance or material on earth, there is a possibility that someone can be allergic or intolerant. Even seemingly innocuous things, such as the sun or cold weather can cause a major allergic reaction to some people's skin. If you have been having negative reactions to alcohol that fall outside of the realm of a hangover or a small stomach ache the morning after, you may be allergic to it. [Read More]

How To Tell If It Is Time To See A Podiatrist

If you want to make sure that you are well aware of the foot problems that would warrant a trip to the podiatrist, you will want to check out the following signs of trouble. You Have Rough Cracked Heels It is important to make sure that you are not neglecting your feet, especially if you happen to be a diabetic. The cracks can lead to bleeding if the crack goes deep enough and it reaches healthy skin. [Read More]